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Hey friends, 
I usually come across a general questions/doubts on 'Watering Plants' 
Let's make a small comparison😅 

why do we drink water??😂
Think on it yourself friends, will get the answer and also imagine what will happen if we drink so much of water at a time😂. It will make us feel uncomfortable within few hrs right!!

Just the same for plant's and tree's too, usually they drink water with the help of their roots. 

Even if we humans didn't water plants/trees planted by itself(ie.,seeds sown by birds/animals)🤓
 Through rain/their roots will reach the groundwater by itself 💫

That's how Nature 💚 works.

We can see many plants that grows over cracks or near our 🏠 water tanks😅 where there won't be enough soil, no manure, no one will be watering them regularly😶

Yet!! They grow very well, at times we can't even remove them from that place. Those seeds were sown by birds 🐦 and taken care by nature itself 💫 

We see trees on our ways, such a huge trees🌳with so many branches, flowers and fruits 😍 

How do they get water??? 
As I told earlier, they will fetch water through their roots. Such huge trees will have a huge root system to fetch water easily from underground water bodies. 

That's how they water themselves with enough water. 

Yet this can't happen with our plants.
 we have our plants in pots or in growbags. In our case, roots can't reach the groundwater by itself 🤐 We need to water them frequently and properly.

 Excess water if stays stagnant😟it will make our plants die due to root decay. Sometimes, leaves may change into yellow colour. 

Have you ever seen such changes in your plants??

That's a sign of over-watering😢be little careful, such yellowish leaves will disturb our plants growth. 
End of the day, this may even reduce our harvest rate.😕

Things to be noted📝:

That's why we have a hole in the bottom of all the pots, in which we plan to plant 🌱. Excess water in the pots will automatically discharge out of our pots. 

At the same time make sure to have only one/two holes in a Pot. In case, you have a pot with so many holes, no worries😉just take few pBBabbles/ broken pieces/small stones something that's available with you.
Place them over the holes before filling the pots with soil mix.

If possible, try to check this before planting or sowing any seed in a Pot. 
Actually, this is a very small tip to be followed\noticed by any gardener who wishes to grow plants in their terrace or balcony😇

I think this is enough for today, lets talk more on watering plants in our future updates. 
Until then stay tuned with GiftaSeeds,  if there is any queries feel free to mention them in the comments below. And yes!! if you feel it useful😎 don't forget to share it with your friends and families whom you care the most and to people who  wish to care the Nature💚

#Happy Gardening #Lets grow together😃

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