Growing Delicious Dragon Fruit: Tips for Success!

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Hello Everyone 🤗🤠 
Happy to meet you all after such a long gap ❤️

Look at the Colour and Texture 😍just mind-blowing!! Actually I used to get super excited 😆 to taste Dragon Fruit 😋 whenever I get to see them in any super markets or fresh juice stalls. But!!! Not even once I tried 😔 them, just because I had my own vow/wish 😂in my mind saying...My first Bite of this Dragon Fruit most be grown from my own Garden space💚✨
Hahaha!! Doesn't it look silly 😜 yet I made it 😎 After 4 years ...I have tasted Dragon Fruit grown from my own Garden space!!😇

Fine! Let's get started...

Dragon fruit is such a unique and delicious fruit that any one would love to grow in their garden space. More then that it will be a fun and rewarding adventure either. Do you know something, dragon fruits are available in three different colours.                  
                                                          *Red skin with red flesh
                                                          *Red skin with white flesh
                                                          *Yellow skin with white flesh
just like a fruity rainbow to pick from😂

Pick out any variety based on your choice......

Step 1: Can get a dragon fruit cutting from any nearby nursery or perhaps from GIFTA SEEDS
as we grow it already, it is pretty cool to get a new cutting for you.

Step 2: Do pick a sunny spot to plant them, as dragon fruit loves soaking up the sun. Make sure they get at least 6-8 hours of sunlight a day. 

Step 3: And the soil should be well-draining. Dragon fruit doesn't like having a wet feet, so add some sand or perlite to improve drainage.

Step 4: Actually, dragon fruit is little bit like a climber, so it needs something to hold onto. Make sure you help them out with a trellis like structure, which helps them out to grow tall and proud.

Step 5: Dragon fruit prefers regular watering but doesn't like to swim in it😕😅, so kindly do avoid overwatering.

Step 6: Coming to fertilizer, I would recommend you to feed them with slow-release fertilizer every couple of months.

Step 7: Pruning! actually it helps to encourage new growth and more buds to pop up resulting with more fruiting😍😋

And yes! you can propagate your own new dragon fruit plans from cutting or can even try growing them from seeds if you're feeling it adventurous. 

With little love and care, your dragon fruit will  reward you for sure....with delicious exotic fruit straight from your garden space. 
Happy growing, meet you soon in our upcoming episodes!!

Until then stay tuned with GIFTA🕊️SEEDS, if there is any queries feel free to mention them in the comments below.
And yes!! if you feel it useful don't forget to share it with your friends and families whom you care the most and to people who wish to care our Nature💚

#let's explore gardening together

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